
Friday, April 16, 2010

Low calorie healthy snack anybody?

It’s the feathery, green fresh-looking celery, a vegetable that is packed with nutrients and minerals. Besides a crunchy garnish to your favorite dishes, from soups, stews, salads to tuna fish and meat dishes or raw with any kind of dip, celery arrays proven healing powers and curative properties arresting the likes of Arthritis, Rheumatism , Blood diseases such as anemia, leukemia, Hodgkin's disease and correcting respiratory disorders like asthma, bronchitis, pleurisy and tuberculosis.

A native of Europe and Asia, Celery has been in cultivation for more than 2,000 years but its name goes back to during the days of the Italic language of Latin originally spoken in Latium and Ancient Rome. Celery is derived from Latin, which means quick acting, and presumably refers to its therapeutic properties.

Share you celery....


  1. I'm allergic to "low calorie" food but keep up the good work. Some people need it, maybe when I get old and fat I'll work on switching to a more healthy diet.

  2. I'm allergic to "low calorie" too.

  3. I like celery in my soup or stew but you don't need to cook any veggie. Actually, cooking destroy's much of the nutrition. Snack on raw veggies whenever you can. It will also save gas/energy.

    Save the planet- one day at a time!
    Dr. William L. Thomas III

  4. Celery - To Eat or Not To Eat!

    Celery is high in sodium & some sugar
    It is mildly anti-inflammatory,low saturated fat, and very low in Cholesterol & a good source of minerals & vitamins.

  5. whats going it good or not?
